Counterweight iron

Counterweight iron
Counterweight iron

Counterweight iron is used to increase its own weight to maintain balance. It is a technological process of melting the shot peening machine into a liquid that meets the specified requirements and pouring it into the mold. After cooling, solidification and cleaning, it can be used for casting with predetermined shape, size and performance. Counterweight iron is one of the basic processes in modern machinery manufacturing industry.
Heavy industry counterweight iron is generally classified according to modeling method, which is traditionally divided into ordinary sand mold counterweight iron and extra heavy iron. Common sand mold counterweight iron includes wet sand mold, dry sand mold and chemical hardening sand mold. According to the different molding materials, special counterweight iron can be divided into two categories: one is natural growth mineral sand as the main molding materials, such as investment mold counterweight iron, shell mold counterweight iron, negative pressure counterweight iron, mud mold counterweight iron, solid mold counterweight iron, ceramic mold counterweight iron, etc; One is metal as the main mold material, such as metal mold counterweight iron, centrifugal counterweight iron, continuous counterweight iron, pressure counterweight iron, low pressure counterweight iron, etc. Heavy industry counterweight iron process can be divided into three basic parts, namely counterweight iron metal preparation, mold preparation and casting treatment.
There is no clear definition for the classification of counterweight iron in light industry, which can be roughly divided into two categories. One is sheet forming; One is profile processing. Materials mainly include various plates, sheets, round iron, flat iron, square iron, other profiles, etc.